
ÖH-Social Fund WS 23/24

The deadline was Sun, Nov 26th, 2023, 11:59pm



The social fund, awarded by the ÖH Kunstuniversitat Linz, serves the direct, one-time support of students in precarious living conditions. The prerequisites for the grant are that the student is a member of the Austrian University Association, is pursuing a regular or extracurricular course of study at the University of Art in Linz, is in a precarious situation within the definitions of these guidelines and does not receive sufficient support from any other source. There is no legal entitlement to the social fund!


  1. A precarious situation, as defined in these guidelines, is when the monthly expenses for living costs exceed the applicant’s monthly income, except for those persons who have to display a certain amount of money at the bank for essential expenses (e.g. residence permit, deposit, student visa, etc.).

  2. In order to support students who are in need within the meaning of these guidelines and who require psychotherapeutic treatment, OH Kunstuni Linz may grant claims in accordance with the guidelines depending on the available funds. The support presupposes that the studies cannot be continued temporarily or can only be continued in a severely impaired manner due to a severe mental impairment. This must be proven by confirmation from a psychotherapist or doctor.

  3. For students who are greatly disabled and for whom participation in courses is hampered by additional financial expenditure, the Austrian Association of Universities and Colleges may grant financial support in accordance with the guidelines depending on the available funds.

  4. In order to support students who unexpectedly incur one-off expenses for the care of a child or other urgently required additional financial burdens (e.g. medical expenses, therapy costs, children's furniture, etc.) with the exception of childcare costs, the OH of the Kunstuni Linz may grant claims in accordance with the guidelines depending on the available funds.

For the purposes of these guidelines, income includes all regular funds paid into the applicant's bank account (e.g. income from employment, fees, study grants and other scholarships, unemployment benefit, family allowance, housing allowance, pension, child benefit and additional support, etc.).

The following amounts may be deducted for monthly expenses:

  • Rent or, in the case of shared flats or other separate households, only the rent portion (incl. ancillary costs, electricity and heating costs).
  • health insurance
  • other insurances
  • telephone, internet. Radio and television fees
  • study-related expenses
  • Living expenses (food, clothing, medication, etc.)
  • Living expenses for other persons living in the household
  • Travel costs to and from the place of study
  • Childcare

In individual cases, necessary one-off expenses may also be considered if these expenses are absolutely necessary and are proven by appropriate receipts (e.g. visa, funeral, deposit).


All necessary documents, together with the application form, must be printed out and handed over to the Social Department during opening hours. Alternatively, all necessary documents and application forms can be uploaded digitally. All information must be complete and free of errors. Incomplete or incorrectly filled in applications will not be processed.

The application, which must contain the name, address and matriculation number of the student, must include (copies only):

  • Student ID
  • current proof of studies
  • curriculum vitae in table form
  • written justification of the application as Word or PDF (German or English)
  • notification of student aid
  • all income and receipts as described above
  • receipt for rental costs
  • copy of bank card (both sides)

Existing documents, if applicable:

  • Culture pass
  • Disability pass
  • Victim ID card
  • Registration certificate of child/ren
  • further reasons for financial burden (alimony agreements, maintenance, medical certificates etc.)
  • Receipts for one-off necessary expenses


Decisions made regarding the applications are agreed upon between the Department for Social Affairs & International Affairs, the Department for Accessibility the ÖH-Chair and the Head of the Department for Economic Affairs and reported to the applicant in the form of a written confirmation. The applicant may not participate in this decision-making process.



The amount of support depends on the budget available for this purpose. The maximum funding amount is 400€

For further information please contact Sozial Referat (